COVID-19 Safety Protocols

Detailed training for all our team in essential hygiene standards, the social distancing government guidelines and the appropriate risks associated with operating in a Covid safe workplace. We also have a daily update and briefing for all our team.

Face Masks will be worn by all of our team and customers must wear when they are walking around the restaurant.

Daily staff health assessment - including a temperature check for all team members before entering the building. All team members are also having a Covid test on a weekly basis.

Social distancing layout - we have configured the restaurant & outside tables to allow safe distancing for both staff and guests.

Track & Trace requirement - every customer will need to scan the NHS QR code using their NHS COVID-19 app, or provide their name and contact details, not just a lead member of the group.

Continual cleaning - the restaurant and outside tables will have a deep clean after dinner every night and there will be continual cleaning throughout the day and evening.

Safety of other guests & our team -please do not visit the restaurant if you are displaying any symptoms of COVID-19 - We will be doing temperature checks of all guests on arrival and may be obliged to refuse entry.

Sanitise your hands - please use the sanitisation stands provided when you enter the restaurant or terrace area.

Rule of Six - inside the Rule of 6 will apply until 21st June at the earliest. Outside our largest booking is also for six - this is due to Planning & Licensing restrictions.

Keep your distance - please respect social distancing when dining with us and respect your fellow diners and our team members.

Bathroom protocols - our bathrooms are shared with Riverside Studios and we ask you to follow their signage and protocols. Always respect social distancing when using these facilities. Please also make sure you sanitise your hands again before entering the restaurant.

Contactless technology - Our menus are accessible via a QR code that will load the menu & wine list directly to your phone. We are also a cashless business and we would ask you to make contactless payment if possible.